Spruechetante.de: Sprüche, Gedichte, Zitate

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  • ................................................................................................................................

    We wish you a merry Christmas (Liedtext)

    1. We wish you a merry Christmas
    And a happy New Year.

    Glad tidings we bring,
    To you and your kin;
    Glad tidings for Christmas
    And a happy New Year!

    2. We want some figgy pudding
    Please bring it right here!

    Glad tidings we bring,
    To you and your kin;
    Glad tidings for Christmas
    And a happy New Year!

    3. We won’t go until we get some
    So bring it out here!

    Glad tidings we bring,
    To you and your kin;
    Glad tidings for Christmas
    And a happy New Year!

    4. We all know that Santa’s coming,
    And soon will be here.

    Glad tidings we bring,
    To you and your kin;
    Glad tidings for Christmas
    And a happy New Year!

    5. We wish you a merry Christmas,
    And a happy New Year

    Glad tidings we bring,
    To you and your kin;
    Glad tidings for Christmas
    And a happy New Year!

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