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    Quotes | short about life friends love and more

    Enjoy Quotes … short, funny Quote, short Quotes about life, friends, love and more – englische Sprüche & Zitate in englisch.


    You only live once

    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

    Du lebst nur einmal, aber wenn du es richtig machst, ist einmal genug.

    Mae West
    (1893 – 1980)

    What goes around

    What goes around, comes around.

    Wie man in den ruft, so schallt es heraus.

    Be brave

    Be brave.
    Take risks.
    Nothing can substitute experience.

    It is my nature to be kind gentle, and loving

    It is my nature to be kind gentle, and loving.
    But know this:
    When it comes to matters of protecting my friend, my familiy and my heart. Do trifle with me. For I am also the most powerful and relentless creature you will ever know.


    In Callao there lives a gal
    Whose name is Serafina
    Serafina! Serafina!
    She sleeps all day and ‚works‘ all night
    On the old Cally Marina
    Serafina! Oh, Serafina!
    weiterlesen… »

    Halloween Poem


    Tonight is the night
    When dead leaves fly
    Like witches on switches
    Across the sky,
    When elf and sprite
    Flit through the night
    On a moony sheen.
    weiterlesen… »

    I never think of myself as an icon. What is in other people’s minds is not in my mind. I just do my thing. (Audrey Hepburn)

    I never think of myself as an icon. What is in other people’s minds is in my mind. I just do my thing.

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